Monday 21 November 2011

We are making headway.

As I watch the news, and compare it with the videos on You-tube where they discuss the recent events of the attempted de-occupation of some of the larger cities involved in the Occupy Movement, I am amazed at the amount of violence coming from the police in the so called name of the people.  I have noticed that even if you are an Innocent bystander, you get mishandled.  The escalation of the police sent by the government (our caretakers) is unnecessary, we are after all, a peaceful movement.
My local Occupy Group, occupies most of my time.  I am only one person but with each new person that is awakened to the world and the changes that need to be made in a nonviolent way, we slowly become legion.  Occupy Wall Street had a march, they were expecting 10,000 people, and what they had was closer to 30,000.  More and more people are awakening.  I have been waiting and watching for this all my life, because I was just one person, it was just my opinion.  It seems it is no longer just my opinion.  I want a better world, one that is not going to cripple people who work so  hard for a pittance.  I knew when I was working, that something had to be done, that large corporations were the bane of regular human folk like you and I.  It is important to stay focused and on task willingly, not because my "superiors" said so.  I always pick and choose my battles and this battle is worth my attention.  We will fight without guns and bombs, without pepper spray and batons.  By showing our resolve and character, our tenaciousness and respect of the earth, we will be heard.  Education is our weapon of choice and by teaching those who strike us while they sleep, we can awaken the sleepers to the need for global change.  This may be the most important thing I ever do with my life and I will never regret being a part of this.
I ask you, what is the harm in listening to us.  Our main goal is to stop the tyranny as the rich become richer.  Soon it will hit the point, where the rich begin feeding on their own, and you start to see the numbers truly change to the 99.5% and the 0.5%.  Hopefully we can come to some solution before this happens.

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