Friday, 18 November 2011

If you aren't on the bus, you're off it!

As with all groups, it has come to the attention of the Occupy Movement, that people with their own personal agendas are trying to sway the group off their chosen path towards their own personal needs and goals.  This becomes difficult when you are trying to stay on topic and complete the tasks given.  When this occurs, concerns arise as to where the group is going and no one really wants it to end, but what is the next step.  In words better than my own, I am posting an article that shows the problems that have occurred in some Occupy groups and luckily solutions are included.

With all of the upheavals in one way or another, and as we make strides to the next step.  It's important to remain focused. Keep up the "good fight" and "stay strong".  It's worth it!

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